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Used terms

CGI script
Program running on WWW server. Result is WWW page. more...
directory index
Order, in which server seeks initiative document name of each direcory of your WWW pages. more...
System (domain name system) used to translation of IP adresses to domain names. It makes possible for you to type an address like "" insted of IP address like more...
domain basket
Each e-mail which is addressed to undefined email under your domain (* is forwarded to pre-defined mailbox. more...
Part of WWW page which allows user to fill the information to one or a few fields and to send them back to the WWW server. Information can be processed by some program or script. more...
File transfer protocol. Using this protocol you can update your WWW pages. more...
Hypertext markup language - language used for description of WWW pages content. This language describes layout and other characteristics of WWW pages. more...
Hypetext transfer protocol - protocol used by WWW servers and clients (web browser). more...
LOG file
File with access records of your WWW pages. This file is generated by WWW server. It´s possible to find out detailed information about time of access, downloaded document, WWW browser type and version, operating system etc. more...
notification to mobile phone
Sends copy of received e-mail to the mobile phone in SMS form via email to sms facility (some mobile operators do not support this type of service). more...
Scripting language for building dynamic WWW pages. Using this language is possible display and update information stored in SQL databases, makes bussines calculations, formate text or dynamicaly generate pictures. more...
Structured query language - language used for SQL database programming and data definition supported by most existing database systems. more...
Secure socket layer - Protocol used to secure data transfers. Data transfers are secured by encrypting. more...
Set of protocols used to address and transfer information over the Internet. IP protocol (internet protocol) is used to addressing of individual computers and devices. TCP protocol (transmission control protocol) is used for data reliable transfers between these devices. more...
Wireless application protokol - protocol used to transfer of information to the mobile devices (usually mobile phones). more...
Wireless markup language - language used to description of WAP pages content. This language determines layout and other characteristics of WAP pages. more...
403 ERROR page
Page displayed in case when WWW server can't find an directory index and directory listing is denied (403 error of HTTP protocol). more...
404 ERROR page
Page displayed in case when requested document is not available on the server (404 error of HTTP protocol). more...
500 ERROR page
Page displayed in case when internal server error occures (500 error of HTTP protocol) - it could be caused by e.g. by incorrect .htaccess file content. more...
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